
The NextGen Center for Influenza and Emerging Infectious Disease and MU offer state-of-the-art support for research activities, including clinical, animal, computational, high-containment, and other advanced facilities.

MU Clinical & Translations Science Unit (CTSU)

The CTSU is comprised of a large team of clinical research professionals with vast experience in conducting clinical research projects and clinical trials, many of which hold national clinical research professional certifications. The team involved in carrying out clinical research activity includes five clinical research nurses, four clinical research coordinators, a clinical research lab technician, and two clinical research administrative professionals. In addition to coordinating clinical research projects and trials, the team collaborates with clinical research investigators and staff throughout the MU system to support our clinical research endeavors.

MU IT Resources

The Division of Information Technology Research Support Solutions team (ITRSS) provides investigators with in-person assistance to meet their research-related IT needs, including quantum computing, high-performance computing (HPC), graphical processing units (GPU), research data ecosystem storage (RDE), Hellbender resources, specialized system support, and grant proposal assistance.

MU Laboratory for Infectious Disease Research (LIDR)

The University of Missouri Laboratory for Infectious Disease Research (LIDR) is a Regional Biocontainment Laboratory located on the MU-Columbia campus. LIDR is a critical resource for University of Missouri faculty and collaborating scientists who perform research on infectious diseases. Built to the highest state and federal safety standards, this building aids researchers in the discovery and development of new ways to fight bacterial and viral infections. LIDR houses 10,000 net sq. feet of state-of-the-art laboratories for infectious disease research at biosafety levels (BSL) -2 and -3.

MU National Swine Resource and Research Center (NSRCC)

The National Swine Resource and Research Center (NSRRC) was established in 2003 to develop the infrastructure to ensure that biomedical investigators across a variety of disciplines have access to critically needed swine models of human health and disease. The NSRRC will also serve as a central resource for reagents, creation of new genetically modified swine, and information and training related to use of swine models in biomedical research.

MU Research Cores

MU hosts 17 research cores, including Advanced Light Microscopy, Animal Modeling, Bioinformatics and Analytics, Cell and Immunobiology, Electron Microscopy, Flow Cytometry, Gehrke Proteomics Center, Genomics Technology, and Metabolomics Center, among other. To learn more about these cores, please click the link above.

MU Research Centers

MU hosts 16 research centers, including the NextGen Center for Influenza and Emerging Infectious Diseases. To learn more about the other centers at MU, please click the link above.