About the Center


The NextGen Center for Influenza and Emerging Infectious Diseases (CIEID) is dedicated to a better understanding of influenza and other emerging viral pathogens among humans and animals. Our focuses are to elucidate mechanism of virus transmission and to develop strategies and technologies to prevent disease spread and contain outbreaks. The CIEID also serves as a center for dynamic multidisciplinary scientific exchanges, fosters collaboration, and educates the next generation of scientists to safeguard human and animal health.

History and Impact

The CIEID was initiated in 2019 and formally established in the fall of 2024 through the MU Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research. It is supported through a cross-campus partnership amongst School of Medicine, College of Engineering, College of Veterinary Medicine, College of Arts and Science, and College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources. CIEID brings together virologists, immunologists, epidemiologists, biomedical engineers, clinicians, veterinarians, statisticians, and other specialists with the goals of:

  • Understanding mechanisms of airborne transmission
  • Developing therapeutics and antivirals against influenza and emerging infectious diseases
  • Supporting translational research using large animal models
  • Promoting the use of genetically-edited livestock to block zoonotic influenza infections
  • Engaging rural communities in translational research
  • Bridging the gap between basic science and clinical solutions
  • Training the next generation of scientists and health professionals

Join us as we innovate, collaborate, and educate to advance science and safeguard human and animal health.